
My name is Andi.

When I was four years old, I made a profession of faith. Meaning, I said a little “ABC prayer” after my grandmother shared the gospel with me. I will never forget that day. I was so small that I believe I was still sitting in a booster-seat, and I know that I was sitting in the back seat of my mom’s suburban waiting for her to come out of the drug store when my grandma started sharing. I don’t remember her exact words, but I do remember her explaining that I had sinned and was going to be punished and have to live in a very bad place with the devil forever unless I prayed this prayer to receive Jesus as Lord. In which case, I could go to Heaven and live with God and the rest of my family forever instead.  She told me really amazing things about Heaven. She told me that if I went there someday, I would be able to walk through walls, never get sick, play with lions, and eat all of the candy that I wanted for the rest of eternity.  I remember how glamorous it all sounded. I mean, this place was like…. better than Candyland or Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory.

I remember how glamorous it all sounded. I mean, this place was like…. better than Candyland or Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory.

The “bad place” on the other hand, did not sound quite so charming. She told me that Hell was full of bugs that would crawl in my eyes and nose, and demons that would make fun of me and bully me, and fire that was so hot it would burn black- hotter than any fire known to earth. She said that the fire would never stop burning as long as I was there and that would be forever.

Clearly, as a child, I wanted the most shiny, sparkly, fun, easy, tasty, pleasant goodness of this magical place called  Heaven over the horrific, terrifying, awful torment and wickedness that this place called Hell had to offer. So, I made the obvious decision to take the “easy way out” and just pray a little prayer to this Jesus guy asking Him to forgive me of my sins so that I could live in this fairy tale land someday. Jesus was basically my ticket into Heaven, but other than that, I just didn’t get it.

So, I made the obvious decision to take the “easy way out” and just pray a little prayer to this Jesus guy asking Him to forgive me of my sins so that I could live in this fairy tale land someday. Jesus was basically my ticket into Heaven, but other than that, I just didn’t get it.

Through the years, I have been asked many times to share my testimony, and growing up my pastor always preached on the importance of remembering the exact moment that I came to Christ. So when called upon to present my testimony, I would refer to that day at the drugstore in the backseat of the Suburban with my grandma. Though I do believe in a moment of salvation, I am not positive that was actually my moment.

Though I do believe in a moment of salvation, I am not positive that was actually my moment.

Honestly, I was never fully confident and assured that I received Christ in that moment, and because back in the day I was under the illusion that knowing the precise second that I prayed this “saving prayer” was more important than knowing the One who saved me, that always freaked me out.

Now, however, I can gladly shout “Soli Deo Gloria!” for showing me that where I am in my relationship with Him at THIS moment is where my assurance should come from. The past is the past. That’s what I have been saved from. My moment of salvation, whenever it may have been, was only the beginning, and now, rather than looking back, I should be looking forward to the future that I have in Christ Jesus.

My moment of salvation, whenever it may have been, was only the beginning, and now, rather than looking back, I should be looking forward to the future that I have in Christ Jesus. 


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